A new article published in Polymers describe 3D printing structures inspired on a well known biomimetic structure,…
El siguiente grupo de blogs desarrolla la historia de los materiales y las estructuras y revela cómo…

The following group of blogs develops the history of materials and structures and reveals how nature could…
In the UK, conservation and agriculture expert Jake Fiennes has rebuilt wildlife and recovered poorly nutritious soils…

En el Reino Unido, el experto en conservación y agricultura Jake Fiennes ha reconstruido la vida silvestre…
he Japanese company Toray Industires Inc. has announced the development of Qticle (TM), a polyester filament that…
La compañía japonesa Toray Industires Inc. ha anunciado el desarrollo de Qticle (TM) , un filamento de…

Since August 2021, Greenroad has begun to advise on the sustainability program in the coffee value chain…

Since August 2021, Greenroad has begun to advise on the sustainability program in the coffee value chain…

Since August 2021, Greenroad has begun to advise on the sustainability program in the coffee value chain…
Since August 2021, Greenroad has begun to advise on the sustainability program in the coffee value chain…
In a recent research, a method has been found to fold hardwood into thin sheets and mold…