We all can emulate nature

Projecting a building, an agricultural system for a community or to optimize the use of energy in our houses, nature is the one who will always inspire us to create sustainable development.

Design & Biomimicry

Designs in Biomimicry have two alternatives at the moment of being developed

The process begins when you already have a biological model or nature’s principle that you desire to imitate in order to develop a design. 

Example: It is known that certain long-leaved trees are capable of absorbing the sun’s energy to convert it into another type of fuel that the body uses for its processes. From the design of these leaves, we began to investigate its natural principles to develop a sustainable design that converts light energy into electricity for rural or urban areas.

It consists of using the principles of nature to solve an existing human design problem. 

Example: In places where below zero temperatures are experienced, it is necessary to build houses that use less energy to maintain a comfortable indoor climate. To that end, we review how organisms that live nearby solve the problem of maintaining internal temperature, allowing them to survive. Once the principles behind their strategy are found, these are used to create prototypes or blueprints.

Credits : Biomimicry 3.8. Under license Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 


Emulation process

Among the elements of biomimicry this is the most used. During this process we understand the needs of the design we want to build and the necessary conditions for its existence. One of the most important steps is to understand what we want our design to do (its function). Additionally, we decide which principles of nature we want to incorporate. 

In the discovery phase, we enter the heart of emulation, in which we look for organisms that perform analogous or similar functions to the design we desire.During the process, we also abstract the biological strategies that allow us to emulate nature. Much of the success of this section is fully understanding how the selected organism performs that role and under what context. 

Once understood, the creation phase allows us to properly emulate the deepest designs and generate prototypes from there taking into account the previous steps. Finally, once the best option is selected, we carry out an evaluation using the same principles of nature and thus verify that we have carried out an adequate emulation process.

Credits : Biomimicry 3.8. Under license Creative Commons CC-BY-SA

Define what function the design must perform, what conditions it must meet and in what context it exists.
Identify what models of nature can be used for our design.
After proposing several ideas, a final solution is chosen, taking into account the objectives defined in the scope.
Review the metrics and objectives of the design, comparing them with the principles of nature.

Credits : Biomimicry 3.8. Under license Creative Commons CC-BY-SA  


Life’s principles

Although it is impossible to imitate nature 100%, we can be inspired by it to improve designs based on its principles.
