We make nature inspire us to become sustainable.

We understand biomimetics as a great opportunity to offer a unique form of sustainability through nature’s lessons that has born and evolved since billions of years. We therefore take its wisdom, offering solutions for contemporary development, in view of relevant topics such as, for example, climate change and resource’s shortage.

¿What is biomimicry?
Ideas and ethics

“Good ideas and business ethics are increasingly necessary to take care of the planet and societies. And they are based on biomimicry”

¿What is biomimicry?

“Biomimicry offers information to achieve high standards of social responsibility, care for the environment and economic growth in the long term.”

¿What is biomimicry?
Sustainable solutions

“Nature is born and has evolved for millions of years. Biomimicry takes examples from it to offer sustainable solutions that improve people’s lives.”

Ideas and ethics
Sustainable solutions

We encourage people and companies to be inspired in nature to improve their products, services and designs.

Nature over human designs

Some cases in which the savvy nature helped to create sustainable ideas through biomimicry.

Biomimetic blog

Una barrera para proteger a los humanos de los tiburones

  El concepto de Shark Safe Barrier ® basado en biomímesis fue concebido en 2011 por Mike…

Cosechando agua del aire gracias a la biomímesis

 Gracias a la biomímesis , investigadores en química han tomado inspiración de las telarañas para desarrollar sistemas…

Green Quotes

“The majority of answers to most of our present challenges have been already solved by nature, in simple and elegant ways”.

Marcelo Araus

Marcelo Araus

Greenroad Founder

I think the biggest innovations of the twenty-first century will be the intersection of biology and technology“.

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

Apple® Founder

Every culture knows… life works“.

Janine Benyus

Janine Benyus

Biomimicry Founder

We still do not know one thousand of one percent of what nature has revealed to us“.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

German Physicist
Billions of species to learn from
Billion years of life on earth
Ecosystems that allow life
Planet to learn from